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Next: Formal Model Up: Solution of the Governing Previous: Solution of the Governing Index Informal ModelAccepting the fact that the shock is adiabatic or nearly adiabatic requires that total energy is conserved, T0x = T0y. The relationship between the temperature and the stagnation temperature provides the relationship of the temperature for both sides of the shock. All the other relationships are essentially derived from this equation. The only issue left to derive is the relationship between Mx and My. Note that the Mach number is a function of temperature, and thus for known Mx all the other quantities can be determined, at least, numerically. The analytical solution is discussed in the next section.
Next: Formal Model Up: Solution of the Governing Previous: Solution of the Governing Index Created by:Genick Bar-Meir, Ph.D. On: 2007-11-21 include("aboutPottoProject.php"); ?> |