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Next: Speed of Sound Up: gasDynamics Previous: Preface Index To Do List and Road MapThis book is not complete and probably never will be completed. There will always new problems to add or to polish the explanations or include more new materials. Also issues that associated with the book like the software has to be improved. It is hoped the changes in TEX and LATEX related to this book in future will be minimal and minor. It is hoped that the style file will be converged to the final form rapidly. Nevertheless, there are specific issues which are on the ``table'' and they are described herein. At this stage, several chapters are missing. The effects of the deviations from the ideal gas model on the properties should be included. Further topics related to non-ideal gas such as steam and various freons are in the process of being added to this book especially in relationship to Fanno flow. One of the virtue of this book lay in the fact that it contains a software that is extensible. For example, the Fanno module can be extended to include effects of real gases. This part will be incorporated in the future hopefully with the help of others.
Specific missing parts from every chapters are discussed below.
These omissions, mistakes, approach problems are sometime appears
in the book under the Meta simple like this
Subsections Next: Speed of Sound Up: gasDynamics Previous: Preface Index Created by:Genick Bar-Meir, Ph.D. On: 2007-11-21 include("aboutPottoProject.php"); ?> |