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Next: Up: Solution of Mach Angle Previous: The case of D Index Upstream Mach Number, M1, and Shock Angle, θThe solution for upstream Mach number, , and shock angle, , are far much simpler and a unique solution exists. The deflection angle can be expressed as a function of these variables asor The pressure ratio can be expressed as The density ratio can be expressed as The temperature ratio expressed as The Mach number after the shock is or explicitly The ratio of the total pressure can be expressed as Even though the solution for these variables, and , is unique, the possible range deflection angle, , is limited. Examining equation (13.51) shows that the shock angle, , has to be in the range of (see Figure 13.9). The range of given , upstream Mach number , is limited between and .
Next: Up: Solution of Mach Angle Previous: The case of D Index Created by:Genick Bar-Meir, Ph.D. On: 2007-11-21 include("aboutPottoProject.php"); ?> |