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Next: Introduction Up: Oblique Shock Previous: Oblique Shock Index Preface to Oblique ShockIn Chapter (5), discussion on a normal shock was presented. A normal shock is a special type of shock wave. The other type of shock wave is the oblique shock. In the literature oblique shock, normal shock, and Prandtl-Meyer function are presented as three separate and different issues. However, one can view all these cases as three different regions of a flow over a plate with a deflection section. Clearly, variation of the deflection angle from a zero ( ) to a positive value results in oblique shock. Further changing the deflection angle to a negative value results in expansion waves. The common representation is done by not showing the boundaries of these models. However, this section attempts to show the boundaries and the limits or connections of these models13.1.
Next: Introduction Up: Oblique Shock Previous: Oblique Shock Index Created by:Genick Bar-Meir, Ph.D. On: 2007-11-21 include("aboutPottoProject.php"); ?> |