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Next: Filling/Evacuating The Chamber Under Up: Rigid Tank with Nozzle Previous: Rigid Tank with Nozzle Index Adiabatic Isentropic Nozzle AttachedThe mass flow out is given by either by Fliegner's equation (4.46) or simply use and equation (11.17) becomesIt was utilized that and definition is simplified as . It can be noticed that the characteristic time defined in equation (11.5) reduced into: Also it can be noticed that equation (11.12) simplified into Equation (11.20) can be simplified as Equation (11.23) can be integrated as The integration limits are obtained by simply using the definitions of reduced pressure, at and . After the integration, equation (11.24) and rearrangement becomes
Subsections Next: Filling/Evacuating The Chamber Under Up: Rigid Tank with Nozzle Previous: Rigid Tank with Nozzle Index Created by:Genick Bar-Meir, Ph.D. On: 2007-11-21 include("aboutPottoProject.php"); ?> |