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Next: Version 0.3 Up: Prologue For This Book Previous: Version 0.4.2 Index Version 0.4Since the last version (0.3) several individuals sent me remarks and suggestions. In the introductory chapter, extensive description of the compressible flow history was written. In the chapter on speed of sound, the two phase aspects were added. The isothermal nozzle was combined with the isentropic chapter. Some examples were added to the normal shock chapter. The fifth chapter deals now with normal shock in variable area ducts. The sixth chapter deals with external forces fields. The chapter about oblique shock was added and it contains the analytical solution. At this stage, the connection between Prandtl-Meyer flow and oblique is an note form. The a brief chapter on Prandtl-Meyer flow was added.
Next: Version 0.3 Up: Prologue For This Book Previous: Version 0.4.2 Index Created by:Genick Bar-Meir, Ph.D. On: 2007-11-21 include("aboutPottoProject.php"); ?> |